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California Lutheran University's School of Management Finishes Semester with Celebrations

What an amazing week it was. During this last week of the traditional Spring Semester, we celebrated School of Management graduates, their achievements, families and friends, at our 8th Annual School of Management Graduation Banquet. Accounting graduate Aidan Johnston was the MC of the evening, which included speeches by President Varlotta, Business Administration graduate Jeanine Zayyad and Executive MBA graduate Zack Gallagher, and - of course - yours truly, as well as Accounting student Elsa Klubberud's presentation of the DSP Scholarship Key to Business Administration graduate Karia Zobelein, a farewell to retiring faculty members Ed Julius and Virginia Gean, and this year's School of Management alumni awards to Distinguished Alumnus of the Year Jeff Brouelette and Young Alumna of the Year Anastasia Martinez (more on them in a future newsletter). More than 300 guest enjoyed the program, dinner, the cash bar, as well as entertainment by our DJ Adjunct Professor P.O. Pettersson that inspired serious dancing, mostly by our Indian and Austrian students (see photos further below). The week culminated, of course with commencement for both our undergraduate and graduate students on Friday!

