Earth Day Sustainability Fair
The annual Earth Day Sustainability Fair brings the community together to raise awareness
of and inspire action for environmental sustainability. Students from various clubs
and organizations will host interactive tables, offering insights on eco-friendly
practices, sustainable initiatives and ways to contribute to a greener planet. Additionally,
community organizations attend the fair to showcase Fair Trade items, including some
samplings and purchase options.
The event is free, and all are welcome to participate and make a difference.
CLU Environment & Sustainability Efforts

California Lutheran University is committed to care for our planet, addressing critical theoretical and pragmatic areas of learning. From public health, economics, and law to intersections of STEM, culture and society. While the campus community gathers once a year for Earth Day, students engage in their educational journey year round.
Fair Trade & Sustainability Organizations:

Cal Lutheran is proud to welcome a diverse range of vendors and featured participants who are passionate about sustainability to participate in our annual sustainability fair. Planet care is essential to our future survival. We encourage our community to implement sustainability efforts and support ethical practices by purchasing fair trade goods. By choosing fair trade items, you help create better trading conditions for farmers and artisans, ensuring fair wages, better working conditions, and sustainable environmental practices across the globe.
Below are organizations featured at the Earth Day celebration. Read below to learn how they are making a positive impact on the environment: