Embracing Global Perspectives

Global Perspectives


The Center for Global Engagement periodically writes a newsletter, Global Perspectives, to showcase campus initiatives to support internationalization. Each issue features internationally-related updates/news, global happenings/events, and trivia.

If you have a relevant submission (e.g., international program/event, article/book, research showcase, student/faculty feature, etc.) then you can submit content for review to global@callutheran.edu. Submissions are due by the 15th of the month prior to publication. 

If not on our mailing list but interested in receiving the CGE Global Perspectives in your email inbox, send a message to global@callutheran.edu and we will add you to the distribution list. 

Most Recent Newsletter:

Note: CGE produces its newsletter three times per semester: Fall (September, October, & November) and Spring (February, March, & April). 
March 2025


