Embracing Global Perspectives

Upcoming Events

The programs listed below include global engagement events of possible interest to our community. CGE featured events are showcased on the sidebar dropdown menu under "Upcoming Events". If you are not signed up to receive the CGE monthly newsletter, Global Perspectives, then email us at global@CalLutheran.edu and we will add you to our list. The newsletter is distributed on the first Tuesday of the month and includes a lineup of events.


US Job Search for International Students | March 4

Career services is supporting our international students who need help with a resume, interview or job search by offering this virtual workshop. Topics will review the job search process, resumes, interviews, and how to successfully navigate Optional &/ Curricular Practical Training. 


International Women's Day Dinner | March 6

International Women's Day (officially recognized on March 8) is a global holiday celebrating the women’s rights movement and gender equality. The 2025 theme is to Accelerate Action. This year's theme calls for action that can unlock equal rights, power and opportunities for all and a feminist future where no one is left behind.

All are welcome to join the Center for Global Engagement in celebrating women leaders at Cal Lutheran and in our community, with acknowledgement of our 93 international female students.

Additional details are on the CGE website. Contact global@CalLutheran.edu.


French Caribbean: History and Identity in Martinique and Guadeloupe, A Faculty-Led Program | Application Due by March 15

As part of the joint Languages and Cultures and Communication Department grant program, a new fall course with winter international travel is coming! If viewing our newsletter, feel free to share with any students who might be interested. The first 10 students who apply and commit receive a $1,000  (ALLICE Grant) award toward the program cost.

Fall 2025 Course with January 2026 Study Tour
Course: HNRS 309 / FREN 3ST (four credits)
Faculty: Prof. Sophia Khadraoui-Fortune
Locations: Fort-au-France, Martinique, and Basse-Terre, Guadeloupe, France



Scandinavian Festival | April 5 & 6 

This festival of Nordic culture features music, dancing, cooking and craft demonstrations, vendors, and activities for people of all ages. Festival hours are 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday, April 5, and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Sunday, April 6. The event is sponsored by the Scandinavian American Cultural and Historical Foundation. 

For more information and volunteer opportunities, visit scandinavianfest.org.



As you may know, the Global Engagement Fund supports international and study abroad students in crisis, assists with non-credit bearing away program student need, and campus educational outreach. Our annual fundraising drive is on April 9.

You are also encouraged to support our fundraiser by tagging us on social media (#CalLutheranCares, #CLUglobal); following/reposting our Instagram account feature messages/videos @clu.international  (if you do not already do so); and/or posting a testimonial on the "story" page for the campaign.


Earth Day Sustainability Fair| April 22

The annual CGE Earth Day Sustainability Fair brings the community together to raise awareness of and inspire action for environmental sustainability. Students from various clubs and organizations will host interactive tables, offering insights on eco-friendly practices, sustainable initiatives and ways to contribute to a greener planet. Fair trade items from partner non-profit organizations will be available to purchase.

The event is free, and all are welcome to participate and make a difference. For more information, email global@CalLutheran.edu.
