Members & Groups

The Task Force on General Education Curriculum (TFGEC) comprises three teams and six research and reporting groups. Together, we review best practices, read relevant literature, and craft recommendations to create a new general education curriculum. 

We are all part of the Task Force on General Education Curriculum. Contact us via email if you would like to take part or if you have any questions:       



The charge of the task force is comprehensive and has been divided into teams to tackle each of the strategic components of the general education curriculum. All the members of the task force have been collaborating with the campus community, faculty members, staff members, parents, and prospective students through the design, implementation and assessment of the new general education curriculum.

Research & Reporting Groups

Since the beginning of this work, we have looked for ways to expand the size and diversify the composition of the task force. The establishment of research groups has been an open call for any faculty, staff, student, or administrator to nominate themselves or other community stakeholders to join the TFGEC Research & Reporting Groups. 
