
In this section you will find relevant documents and reports that have been published through the execution of the project.

The virtual and in-person gallery walks over the last few months generated amazing feedback for the task force to consider.  The design team has taken comments, concerns, and suggestions into account to edit the general education (GE) mission statement and learning outcomes, which resulted in the following:

GE Mission Statement

(approved by College faculty Oct. 20, 2021)

The mission of general education at California Lutheran University is to provide a liberal arts and sciences foundation that is centered on experiential inquiry: to grapple with the connections between ourselves, others and the world; to foster continued personal growth; and to prepare for a life committed to service and justice. 

Student Learning Outcomes

(approved by College faculty Oct. 20, 2021)

Upon completion of the General Education Curriculum, students will:

  • Practice rhetorical awareness, artistic expression, and communication skills utilizing visual, written and oral competencies;
  • Develop and practice concepts of cultural dexterity and emotional intelligence;
  • Build multiple literacies across the liberal arts and sciences from among varied and multiple perspectives;
  • Develop curiosity, and practice intellectual agility through collaboration with others; and 
  • Apply multiple methods of inquiry and ways of knowing in academic disciplines within the context of students’ lived experiences.

Design Proposals

Check the following tabs for additional documents and background information.

