Settling In

Choosing a phone carrier
You can choose to have your current phone unlocked by your carrier, or buy a new one once you are here. Plans and costs vary, so shop around for the best plan to meet your needs. If you are worried about overseas call fees, have your family and friends install Whatsapp, Skype or other free apps.
Review the phone carriers available in the area
Checking your CalLu email address
You will be assigned a Cal Lutheran email address ( Check it everyday; all official email communication from the University will only be sent you to your Callutheran email address. This is not only a university policy, but a federal privacy law. Always write to us from your Cal Lutheran email address and use your name as it is written on your passport.
Access your inbox through MyCLU
Read the "OISS Weekly" newsletter
The "OISS Weekly" is your main source of information for F1 regulatory updates, upcoming global events, cultural observances, weekly check-ins from the Offfice of International Students and Scholars, student profiles etc. Make sure to not miss any!
Access the latest "OISS Weekly" here
Accessing your CalLu mailbox
Mailboxes are located outside of the Mail Center. If you do not yet have a mailbox number, visit the Mail Center to request one. Ask the person to show you how to operate your mailbox. If you reside on campus, your address is 101 Memorial Parkway, Mailbox #__ Thousand Oaks, CA 91360
Mailbox location on CLU campus map
Changing your meal plan or housing
If you want to change your room assignment, visit with your R.A and tell them the reason you want a new room. Keep in mind that it is difficult to change your hall or room assignment, especially in the fall semester. If you wish to change your meal plan, you must contact Residence Life.
Applying for a Driver's License
The Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) issues driver's licenses and car registrations.
The process is completed in person at the local DMV office located at 1810 E. Avenida
de los Arboles, Thousand Oaks. Because of walk-in long wait times, it is best to make a DMV appointment.
Learn more about applying for a license
Learn how to maintain your F-1 Status
As an F-1 student in the U.S., you have obligations towards the university and the U.S. government in order to maintain your visa status throughout. Be aware and confortable with the regulations that apply when (if) you travel outside of the U.S., renew your visa or start a new academic year.