Success Stories

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Cal Lutheran's reputation is directly tied to the success of our students and alumni. We want the world to know about those successes and how they are living out their purpose and pursuing their passions. Telling these stories to prospective students, parents, donors, and the wider public is something we all have a stake in.

And that's where we need your help.

Share success stories with us by emailing

How are our undergraduate and graduate alumni putting their Cal Lutheran education to good use in their family, community, or professional lives? How are our students utilizing the opportunities that Cal Lutheran provides to demonstrate leadership and make a difference before graduation?

Help us shine a spotlight on their work by letting us know about it. We'll reach out to develop a story (with their permission) and feature it on our website, social media, press releases, publications and other channels.

(The information you provide will be used by our content producers to develop a story for university channels. It will not be shared or used for other purposes.)

Looking for stories? Besides our social media (@CalLutheran), stories are frequently published to the News and Features website and the Stories of Cal Lutheran blog
