For traditional undergraduate students

Common Questions for New Students

If you are a new Cal Lutheran student starting this summer and have questions about getting to know our campus, read through these common questions.

You can also contact us at or 805-493-3197 if you don't see an answer here.

How do I get my ID card?

You will need to submit your picture to Campus Safety for your Cal Lutheran ID card. You should do this before New Student Orientation or anytime before if you happen to be on campus. View the location of Campus Safety.

How much is parking?

Parking is free for all students on campus. New students will have to get a parking permit from Campus Safety. Students will get a parking sticker (either an R for Resident student or a C for Commuter student) to put on the back of their car and park where the permits are allowed. Be sure to register your car online to sign up for a parking pass. During Orientation move in, campus safety will not be ticketing vehicles without a permit as a grace period to allow students to pick up their parking stickers from the campus safety office.

How and when do I get my books for class?

During Orientation the bookstore will be open so that you can purchase your books. You can also purchase your books online through the Cal Lutheran Campus Store. If you purchase your books online before Orientation, the bookstore will pull your books at the time of purchase and have them ready for you when you get to campus. All you have to do is pick them up.

When will I get my mailbox number and on-campus address? What if I want to mail items to campus prior to my arrival?

Most students will receive their mailbox numbers and combinations in their check-in packet during Orientation. In the meantime, your address on campus will be:

101 Memorial Parkway
Campus Box #____
Thousand Oaks, CA 91360

What banks are close to campus?

Wells Fargo, Chase, Bank of America, U.S. Bank. We suggest you Google Search to find all the different banks and their locations.

Is there an ATM on campus?

Yes, there are ATM locations at the Campus Store and at Starbucks.

What shopping is available in Thousand Oaks, just in case we forget something?

Thousand Oaks has a variety of shopping options from Target to Wal-Mart, to Best Buy really close to Cal Lutheran. Check out this map with various shopping locations, just in case you forget that surge protector.
