Logo Usage and Sizing
Which logo to use
The preferred logo for masks is the primary Spirit Mark, used on its own. It is highly recognizable to internal audiences, but does not have the same level of recognition among external audiences.
Logo sizing
The following size standards were established for the purpose of balancing aesthetics and function on Cal Lutheran-branded masks.
Spirit Brand
- The sizing guidelines for the Spirit Mark can be applied to the secondary marks as well as combined marks (Spirit Mark plus wordmark). Combined marks should be sized proportionally, with the Spirit Mark element meeting these size requirements.
- If a Spirit wordmark is used alone, the letters should be between 0.25” and 0.4” in height.
- For designs featuring a Spirit team lockup, please email licensing@CalLutheran.edu as those designs will be assessed on a case-by-case basis.
Master Brand
- Use of the stacked logo is highly encouraged.
School/Department Lockups
- Use of the stacked lockup format is highly encouraged.