Provost Distinguished Scholar Nomination

To further the building of a community of scholars at California Lutheran University, each year the Provost will grant awards to CLU faculty members who have demonstrated significant achievement in research or creative work. Two awards (one undergraduate faculty and one graduate faculty) will be distributed annually.  Ideally, these recipients also will have made an effort to integrate research and/or creative work into teaching, service, and/or community involvement. The award includes a $1500 cash prize.

Eligibility and Criteria

All full-time faculty members who have taught at CLU for at least 6 years are eligible to be nominated for this award.

  • Demonstrates scholarly/creative excellence through discipline-specific evidence (e.g. peer-reviewed publications, presentations, performances, or exhibits) during the previous three years.
  • Integrates research/creative work with teaching and/or community engagement
  • Involves students in the research process
  • Disseminates research or creative work to a wider public
  • Attains grants pertaining to external research and/or creative work

Nomination and Selection Process

Nominations can be made by faculty colleagues and department chairs. Self-nominations are also welcome. Once a nomination has been made, the nominee will be contacted and asked to provide the following materials:

  • brief and clear responses to the prompts on the form on the "For Nominees" tab.
  • a current, detailed CV.

The Provost will review the nominee materials and make the final decision. The Provost will consider accomplishments primarily from the previous three calendar years. Additionally, any contracted work forthcoming during the remainder of the current academic year will also be considered.

Recipients of the Provost Distinguished Scholar Award must wait for three years from the date of their award to be considered again.

Recipient Recognition

The award recipients will be formally recognized at the Faculty Retreat (August) and will be featured in the "At the Leading Edge: The Work of our Faculty" publication.  As well, each recipient may be asked to provide a research/creative work presentation at the retreat.

Questions about this nomination process can be directed to the Office of the Provost (
