Forward Together

2025 Ventura County Economic Forecast

2025 Ventura County Economic Forecast

Matthew Fienup, executive director of Cal Lutheran’s Center for Economic Research and Forecasting (CERF), and his team will present an in-depth analysis of Ventura County's economic outlook, as well as forecasts for the U.S. and California. 

This year's featured speaker, Anthony Bradley, PhD, distinguished research fellow at the Acton Institute, is a writer who addresses the intersection of economic and cultural issues. He has written more than a dozen books and has appeared on CNN, Fox News, C-SPAN and NPR. Bradley will discuss the importance of inclusive economic growth. 

The event also will feature comments and analysis from former Ventura Mayor, Bill Fulton and current Ventura County Supervisor Matt Lavere. Fulton will discuss the intended and unintended consequences following more than 20 years of SOAR (Save Open-space and Agricultural Resources). Lavere will share his personal experience as a Ventura County native and how it informs his work as supervisor. 

Networking will be 8-9 a.m. and the presentation will be 9-11 a.m.

Tickets are $75 if purchased in advance or $95 at the door. Cal Lutheran faculty, staff and students with current ID may register for free.

For more information, contact Ashley Freas at 805-493-3668 or


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Center for Economic Research and Forecasting and School of Management


Ashley Freas

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