Project Engagement Activities

EDU|CAL project activities are designed to support project goals.

Goal Activities
Increase retention and completion rates of Hispanic students.
Increase the number of Hispanic students who enter teaching credentialing programs.
Increase Cal Lutheran’s capacity to equitably serve students.

Improve Student Outcomes in Developmental Math and Writing

Goal: Increase retention and completion rates of Hispanic students.

The project will fund the hiring of writing and math specialists to work with Math and English faculty and the Center for Teaching and Learning to redesign the developmental courses to be more culturally-responsive to the learning styles of underrepresented students.

The project will also invest in updating our current math tutoring area into a Math Centet that facilitates active learning.

Measurable Objective: Redesign math and English developmental courses

Peer Tutoring

Goal: Increase retention and completion rates of Hispanic students.

The project will hire student tutors for the Math and Writing Centers and provide tutoring during the summer to students enrolled in the free developmental courses. An additional 40 tutoring hours will be provided per week, with a priority for EDU|CAL students.

Measurable Objective: Increase number of peer tutoring hours to support students in developmental and gateway courses

Pathways to Teaching

Goal: Increase the number of Hispanic students who enter teaching credentialing programs.

The project will establish distinct pathways for students aspiring to teach in several ways:

  • Identifying them during the enrollment process and classifying them as “Pre-Credential” students.
  • Developing a first-year experience seminar (FYE-Teach) for students interested in teaching and enrolling students in a cohort model.
  • Develop a one-credit seminar for transfer students as an introduction to the teaching pathways and credential requirements.
  • Provide Hispanic pre-credential students with additional opportunities for mentoring and career coaching.
  • Develop academic tracks with department chairs for students interested in the single-subject credentials for teaching in high school.

Measurable Objective: Establish distinct pathways for students aspiring to teach (pre-credential students)

EDUCAL Lending Library

Goal: Increase retention and completion rates of Hispanic students.

The project will hprovide students in LSED as well as Math and English 110/111 courses free long term textbook lending, with a priority for EDU|CAL students..

Measurable Objectives: 

  • Establish distinct pathways for Cal Lutheran students aspiring to teach
  • Increase opportunities to accelerate the completion of developmental courses

Two-Year College Student Outreach

Goal: Increase the number of Hispanic students who enter teacher credentialing programs.

The project will hire student tutors for the Math and Writing Centers and provide tutoring during the summer to students enrolled in the free developmental courses. An additional 40 tutoring hours will be provided per week, with a priority for EDU|CAL students..

Measurable Objective: Increase number of Hispanic students transferring to Cal Lutheran from 2-year colleges

EDUCAL Lending Library

Goal:Increase retention and completion rates of Hispanic students.

The project will hprovide students in LSED as well as Math and English 110/111 courses free long term textbook lending, with a priority for EDU|CAL students..

Measurable Objectives: 

  • Establish distinct pathways for Cal Lutheran students aspiring to teach
  • Increase opportunities to accelerate the completion of developmental courses

Pre-Credential First-Year Experience and Advising Program

Goal: Increase number of Hispanic students who enter teacher credentialing programs.

The project will establish guided pathways for Cal Lutheran students aspiring to teach. First, by enrolling them in the EDU|CAL program. A first-year experience seminar will be developed for these students, who will form a pre-credential cohort to support and empower each other. A one-credit seminar course will also be established for transfer EDU|CAL students to introduce teacher pathways and credential requirements.

EDU|CAL students will also be part of the Pre-Credential Advising Program and receive one-on-one advising and help developing individualized career paths from project staff. Advising tracks will also be developed for students interested in the single-subject majors.

Measurable Objectives:

  • Establish distinct pathways for Cal Lutheran students aspiring to teach
  • Provide at least 2 hours of one-on-one advising each semester to pre-credential students

In-Service Teacher Mentorship and Summit

Goal: Increase the number of Hispanic students who enter teaching credentialing programs.

In-service teachers at partner K-12 schools will serve as mentors to EDU|CAL students and join them for an Educators’ Summit to share information about professional pathways for teachers. The Summit includes a one-day workshop focused on developing  a collaborative network of professionals, students, and civic leaders who seek to advance the teaching profession as a vital resource to the community.

Measurable Objective: Develop mechanisms for pre-credential students to interact with in-service teachers

K-12 Outreach

Goal: Increase the number of Hispanic students who enter teacher credentialing programs.

To reach pre-college students who may consider teaching, this project will develop a dedicated website focused on providing information about the profession. The project Outreach Coordinator will also regularly visit several local K-12 schools with large Hispanic enrollment to conduct information sessions about the teaching profession.

Measurable Objective: Increase K-12 student awareness and interest in the teaching program

Future Teacher Network

Goal: Increase number of Hispanic students who enter teaching credentialing programs.

The project Outreach Coordinator and Cal Lutheran’s Graduate School of Education will collaborate on developing an online “Future Teachers Network” driven by web and social media activity that will build a community of pre-college aspiring teachers, pre-credential college students, and in-service K-12 teachers.

The “Future Teachers Network” will be a portal for gaining knowledge about the teaching profession and practices, understanding the path towards becoming teachers, and exchanging information with peers who share similar career goals.

The Outreach Coordinator will also support K-12 school officials in developing school-based interest clubs for aspiring teachers and the activities of those clubs will be featured on the “Future Teachers Network” to connect them with the professional network and inspire others.

Measurable Objective: Increase K-12 student awareness and interest in the teaching program

Community Engagement

Goal: Increase number of Hispanic students who enter teaching credentialing programs.

Three times a year, the project will partner with school districts in Ventura County to host community engagement events focused on increasing awareness about the teaching profession.

Measurable Objective: Increase parent and family awareness of the teaching profession by hosting 3 community events per year

Boost Grant Development

Goal: Increase Cal Lutheran’s capacity to equitably serve students.

The project will increase grant development staff through new hires and added hours. The additional personnel will be able to work with the Graduate School of Education to support scholarships for teaching credential students and faculty research projects.

Measurable Objectives:

  • Increase grant development staff by 1.5 FTE
  • Increase grant submissions by 75%