College of Arts & Sciences

Homework Resources

This page was designed to aid students in their pursuit of history as an academic discipline. There are four ways to use this page for help:

  1. To research a topic start by asking yourself a question. What do I want to find out?  What sources might help to uncover facts about this topic?  Find multiple databases, but also a set of strong links to sites that discuss history: Research Guides
  2. Do you need to research your topic further? One of the most effective ways to compile a works cited list or research sources is to peruse the database of the University of California library system, called Melvyl. MELVYL
  3. For format and/or source citation view the Chicago manual, the style sheet for the discipline of history. Chicago Manual of Style
  4. Finally, if you have a question you cannot answer, please email one of these  professors in the history department at Cal Lutheran. One of them will respond as quickly as possible. Contact Faculty