Helping nonprofit leaders do better at doing good

How To Be A Game Changing Leader

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

9:00 am - 11:00 am
CLU Oxnard Campus
2201 Outlet Center Drive, Oxnard, CA 93036

Individual Members: $0
Organizational Members: $0
Non-Members: $55


About this event

Many of us aspire to be dynamic change agents in our work and lives.  But, the percentage of leaders and organizations who rate well in strategy and execution of strategy is incredibly low.  In this engaging, fun, and thought-provoking session, you will explore successful pathways to transformational change.

In this session, participants will learn about:

  • The tangible importance and implications of a strategic approach
  • The characteristics of a strategic person / organization
  • Obstacles that hinder strategic work
  • A digestible process for achieving successful strategic change
  • A roadmap for fostering strategic change in work (and life)

Participants will leave with:

  1. An improved assessment of themselves and their organizations with regards to strengths/opportunities for becoming more strategic
  2. A pathway to begin and support your journey as a game-changing leader


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Monica Grant

Monica Grant, CFRE, is an organizational and fundraising consultant. She is the former Chief Resource Development Officer for the Channel Islands YMCA, a $27 million operation, and served as the CEO of the San Luis Obispo County YMCA for 9 years. Monica has thirty years of experience as a nonprofit and development professional, including YMCAs in California and Hawaii, UC Santa Cruz, The Nature Conservancy, United Way, and Sierra Club. She has a BS in Recreation Administration, an MS in Organizational Leadership, a Certificate in Organizational Development Consulting, and a Certificate in DEI. Monica serves on the Association of Fundraising Professionals Global Board of Directors and is Past President and is a founding board member of the AFP SLO County Chapter, as well the boards for the San Luis Obispo Chamber of Commerce and Sierra Vista Regional Medical Center. She has presented at AFP ICON and national YMCA conferences. She lives in Arroyo Grande with her wife, Colleen Murphy and son, Angelo.
