Nonprofit Leadership Council - November
Thursday, November 7, 2019
11:30 am - 1:30 pm
Cal Lutheran - Oxnard Center
2201 Outlet Center Dr., Oxnard CA 93036
Individual Members: No Additional Cost
Organizational Members: No Additional Cost
Non-Members: $35
About this event
Topic: Think Money First!
This presentation will provide social sector leaders with a better understanding of what it really takes to deliver great outcomes, how to build a culture of sustainability and impact within their organizations, and how to engage funders in conversation about the real cost of delivering impact.
To achieve organizational sustainability, social sector leaders must change the culture of scarcity that has plagued the sector for decades. Leaders, board and staff must adopt new paradigms for carrying out their work. They must align their business models and their fundraising strategies with their ability to deliver their mission and impact. They need to Think Money First!
Who Should Attend?
The intended audience of the Council’s programs is both emerging and established nonprofit and civic leaders, regardless of position, rank or title. The programs are designed to attract & engage key sector leaders, influencers and decision makers who care deeply about improving the philanthropic sector serving our region. Intended audiences may shift in light of the program’s focus topic, but all are welcome to attend – individual philanthropists, board members, staff and volunteers.
Individuals can participate in the Council and attend all five sessions by becoming a Center for Nonprofit Leadership member or by attending individual sessions for $35 each.
David Greco
David Greco is a nationally recognized speaker, author and consultant on creating a more sustainable and effective social sector. He brings more than 25 years of experience in driving the growth and impact of social sector organizations. In 2013, David founded Social Sector Partners to provide training and capacity building support to funders and nonprofits to develop a culture of sustainability that incorporates real cost, sustainable business models, and a focus on impact.
He created and led the Full Cost Project in California to increase the number of grantmakers providing full cost funding, served as Interim President and CEO for Northern California Grantmakers, was the Vice President of the Nonprofit Finance Fund (NFF) for more than 5 years and Vice President of the Youth Leadership Institute. He regularly speaks at national conferences, has trained thousands of social sector leaders on financial sustainability, and he has partners with the staff, trustees and grantees for dozens of foundations.
He is a professor with University of San Francisco in the Master of Nonprofit Administration program and the author of "Think Money! Ending the Culture of Scarcity and Achieving Real Impact”.