Working for healthy, sustainable, and just communities for all

About Reel Justice

The Reel Justice series brings important issues worthy of discussion into the community's attention.

Films are a unique and powerful way to raise these issues to public view. The CEJ supplements these films with academic discussions, community forums, and expert analysis.

The selected films address critical topics that shape our economy, our society, and our policies, as well as our personal experiences.

Films, especially documentaries, have been important tools for addressing key social justice issues, exposing inequalities and advancing human rights.

What other media can equal film for raising awareness and mobilizing the public to act? We are grateful to all of the filmmakers whose vision, time, talent, and resources bring these critical issues to the big screen.

Justice is complex, involving policy, public opinion, research, and experience. When we discuss justice abstractly we argue easily. When we stories of justice and injustice unfold on film, those stories make tough topics a little easier to talk about. Stories present issues of justice and equality in a visceral way, offering real experience of life's complexities in distinct voices and multiple viewpoints.

Showing films is one way the Sarah W. Heath Center for Equality and Justice at Cal Lutheran lives out its service to the campus and wider community. At each screening in the Reel Justice film series we show excellent films on today's topics to raise awareness, offer expertise, engage each other in discussion, and equip each other to act.
