History of Cal Lutheran

Compiled by professor emeritus Ernst F. Tonsing.


  • September 13 – Dr. Gaylerd Falde, President of the California District of the Evangelical Lutheran Church (ELC), calls for the organization of a "Committee of Twenty–Five" from the five national Lutheran Church bodies to plan for a Lutheran College on the West Coast.
  • October 29 – The Committee of Twenty–Five meets for the first time but is unable to decide whether the college should be nationally or regionally controlled.


Richard Pederson
overlooking "The Ranch"
  • June 4 – The California Lutheran Educational Foundation (CLEF) is formed with the purpose of establishing a Lutheran college within the Los Angeles area.
  • September 25 – Richard Pederson hands the deed to his 130–acre ranch to Orville Dahl for a new Lutheran college.
  • November 3 – The first Board of Governors of CLEF is installed with Dr. Dahl as President. CLEF moves into temporary offices in Los Angeles.


  • February – The offices of CLEF are moved to the ranch in Thousand Oaks.
  • March 7 – The Board of Governors meets on the campus for the first time. The opening of the school is anticipated for September 1961.


Dr. Orville Dahl
  • February 27 – The CLEF Board of Governors holds its last meeting, adjourning at 4:37 p.m. The Board of Regents of California Lutheran College is established at exactly 4:38 p.m. with the singing of the Doxology.
  • Spring – Ventura County newspapers begin to refer to the school as California Lutheran College instead of the original name of Ventura University.
  • August 4 – The College is formally incorporated, and Dr. Dahl is elected President.