Vocation and Purpose

Become who you are — it's more than just your job.

Calling all students — has anybody ever prompted you to consider not just what you want to do with your life, but the meaning and impact of what you do with it?

Throughout your journey at Cal Lutheran, you are given opportunities to uncover your roots of vocation and purpose. This includes your future career, as well as your talents, relationships, and commitments to service.

Cal Lutheran's community values for vocation and purpose help you to connect the many layers of your life's calling, to move beyond the basic "what should I do with my life?" inquiry toward a deeper discernment of who you are.

Called to Many Things
Colleen Windham-Hughes

Vocation should really be plural — vocations — because over your life, you are called to many things. Your education and experiences at Cal Lutheran set you up to explore many aspects of what you are good at and feel called to, all within a community setting that supports and challenges you to become more fully who you are.

Colleen Windham-Hughes, Ph.D., M.Div.
Associate Vice President for Mission and Identity

Questions on Vocation

In pursuit of purpose at Cal Lutheran

Student viewing their future perspectiveCal Lutheran can be a life-changing chapter within your journey. During this time, your main job is to focus on becoming the truest version of yourself.

Thinking beyond an occupation or career field, what characteristics, qualities, or abilities do you hope to develop during your time at Cal Lutheran? This will help you grow into the person you aspire to become.

How to Get Started

Throughout your life, the process of becoming may originate from inside yourself as a sense of inspiration, curiosity, or drive. Or, it may start with something outside yourself — discerning what the world needs or responding to a higher calling.

No matter how your process is set in motion, anywhere is the best place to start. You can think about teachings, traditions, or values that are of significance to you. You can ponder your dreams, especially ones that have stayed with you over time. Most importantly, you can immerse yourself on campus by using our resources or attending an event to discover your vocation and purpose.


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Zig Zag Paths

Real-world journeys are rarely linear, but meander through many roads.

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Words of Wisdom

Purpose-full advice from voices in the Cal Lutheran community.

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Campus Resources

Want to talk more about vocation and purpose? Here's where to go.

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Inspirational Sources

Suggested publications to delve deeper through further resources.

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Faculty/Advisor Toolkit

Tips and resources for advisors to support students with vocation.

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