Hiring Forms
Congratulations on your Job Offer! Click on the green button below to start your Personnel Form, be sure to list your correct supervisor upon entering the form. You can also download this INSTRUCTION SHEET.
Interested in applying for on-campus jobs? Follow this LINK
*Documents: You can upload your required paperwork to the Document Upload Form.
*Note: Due to the return to normal operations on campus, all student hires must have original forms of identification for employment authorization (I-9 Form) verified in person.
Required Paperwork
*Document Upload Form: Link
*I-9 Employment Eligibility Verification Form
Required.All new student employees must complete the I-9 form below and provide proof of eligibility to work in the U.S.
Instrucciones del Formulario I-9
*Note: Due to the return to normal operations on campus, all student hires must have original forms of identification for employment authorization (I-9 Form) verified in person.
International F-1 Students: A Social Security Card is required for on-campus employment, download these instructions for more information.
W-4 Employee Withholding Allowance Certificate
Required.All student employees must have a W-4 for the current year on file.
Direct Deposit
Required. Please complete and return to the Career Services office.
Payroll Resources
- Student Timesheet (Prior Pay Period): Please use if you missed hours from a previous time period for getting paid.
- Student Payroll Time Entry Instructions
- Pay Schedule (Summer 2023)
- Pay Schedule (Fall 2023-Spring 2024)
Personnel Form
Complete this form once you have been offered a position or are returning to a position.
New forms are required each academic year and for each new position. Note: Fall 2023 forms are accepted after June 1st, 2023.
Student Employment Update Form- Supervisors Only
For supervisors to complete in the event of a change in employment conditions.