Faculty Workshop

Costa Rica Volcano

Develop a travel seminar proposal & tour Costa Rica!

Interested in developing a faculty-led travel seminar but unsure of how to start? Join Dr. Ryan Medders, Professor of Communication, and Dr. Matthew Yates, Director of Education Abroad, in this grant-funded workshop series in Spring 2025, covering all aspects from choosing student learning outcomes to creating a budget.

The series concludes with an experiential study tour to Costa Rica where you can simulate and put into practice lessons you’ve learned about intentional program design.

Tour Includes at No Cost

  • Hotel accommodations
  • In-country ground transportation
  • Academic and cultural activities including:
    • Tours of San José, Volcán Arenal, and Liberia
    • Visits with local faculty, business leaders, and non-profit organizations 
    • Welcome and farewell dinners

Program costs covered by the ALLICE grant! Participants only responsible for purchasing their own international flights, some meals, and incidentals.

Application Coming Soon! Please contact rmedders@callutheran.edu if you have any questions.
