Enriching the cultural experience for all students
United Equity and Justice Collective
The United Equity and Justice Collective (UEJC) is a group of students committed to
supporting the Center for Cultural Engagement & Inclusion in advancing diversity,
equity, inclusion, and justice efforts within the Cal Lutheran student community.
The group meets bi-weekly to oversee the distribution of the Student Equity and Inclusion
Fund, and to plan subcommittee projects to cultivate a more positive student experience.
Spring Meeting Dates: every other Tuesday from 11:25 am-12:15 pm (3/4/25, 3/18/25,
4/1/25, 4/15/25, 4/29/25)
In its first year, the UEJC has strengthened ties between the CCEI and affiliated
cultural clubs, provided professional development opportunities to the delegates,
created subcommittee initiatives designed to enhance belonging on campus, and funded
a student request for a Hair Care basket that provides free hair care with a focus on supplying products to
Black students with curly to coily hair.
All CLU community members are able to submit a Student Inclusion & Equity Funding
Request at bit.ly/uejc
The UEJC supports students who have a plan for a DEIJB-related initiative on campus
by providing support (financial and otherwise) that allows these student-led DEIJB
plans to come to fruition. If you have an idea for a project or program that enhances
diversity and justice on campus, reach out to the UEJC!
Overall benefits of the UEJC are:
students are able to decide what DEIJB-related efforts take place on campus
increased communication and a positive working relationship between the CCEI and affiliated
student leaders are compensated for the work they do on campus
formally affiliated clubs receive increased support and benefits
Delegates are an important link between the Center for Cultural Engagement and Inclusion
+ the student populations we support! Our delegates provide communication between
cultural clubs and the CCEI while also overseeing the distribution of the Student
Equity and Inclusion Fund to benefit all students on campus. To learn more about the
delegates and the UEJC, take a look at our UEJC overview presentation!
The UEJC is comprised of 8 paid delegate members- these members include one delegate
from each of the 6 cultural clubs that are formally-affiliated with the CCEI and two
delegates-at-large. Delegates-at-large do not need to hold membership with a formally-affiliated
club. This ensures that any student interested in being a UEJC delegate can apply!
Delegate Responsibilities:
Delegates will start their term week 1 of the Fall semester following their selection
as a delegate.
Delegates must attend a minimum of 80% of all meetings to be eligible to receive
the stipend associated with their position.
Delegates may be called upon by the university to provide their expertise and/or perspective
on the experience of students from structurally & systemically under-served communities
at Cal Lutheran and give input to university administration regarding Cal Lutheran’s
DEI efforts.
Delegates are responsible for:
attending and actively participating in all meetings. Meetings will occur biweekly
during Fall and Spring semesters with additional meetings occurring as necessary.
serving on at least one and no more than two subcommittees for the year. Subcommittees
are designed to work on specific projects or programs and are created as projects
and programs of interest to the collective arise.
Pictured from left to right: [back row] CCEI student support for the UEJC, Millennia;
BSU representative, Onyi; Delegate-at-Large, Angela; LASO representative, Athena;
PRIDE Club representative, Ryan; Desi Club Representative, Ishaan; [front row] Delegate-at-Large,
Isabella; FILO representative, Tyler.