Supporting a safe environment for academic excellence.

The Student Conduct Office at California Lutheran University seeks to contribute to the educational mission of the University and to support a safe environment conducive to academic excellence. The Student Conduct Office provides a holistic, student-centered educational service, which promotes personal development and individual responsibility. Consistent with this mission, the staff members in the Student Conduct Office, in conjunction with the faculty, administrators, and students who serve on the University Hearing Board, are committed to:

  • overseeing the process of educating the campus community of the Student Code of Conduct,
  • resolving conduct cases in accordance to due process, and in a fair, timely, and socially-just manner that balances the needs of both the individual and the Cal Lutheran community, and
  • protecting the rights and interests of students within the Cal Lutheran community by remaining in accordance with appropriate state and federal laws.


Filing a Report

If you would like to report a suspected student code of conduct policy violation, please email

If you need to report an emergency, call Campus Safety at 805-493-3911 or dial 911 for Thousand Oaks Police Department.

If you are reporting an issue of sexual harassment, domestic or dating violence, or stalking, please email to report any sexual harassment prohibited by Title IX.


Student Handbook

The California Lutheran University Student Handbook outlines university policies, procedures, and resources. Please click the link below for this year's Student Handbook.

See Handbook
