Schedule of Events
Science Showcase: Poster Session
Soiland Gym
Students from disciplines in the Natural Science Division will present their results in an interactive poster format. The featured research comes from honors and Capstone projects, class assignments, and faculty-directed collaborative efforts.
Student Abstracts
Determinants of Reincarceration
Gabriella Alamin
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Kirk Lesh
Effects of Fatigue Progression on Single Leg Squat Kinematics
Jaime Alvarado
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Michele LeBlanc
Investigating the Role of eIF5A in Entamoeba histolytica Encystation
Emily Armbruster
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Paloma Vargas
Image Storing Database with built in Image Editor
Tristan Arndt
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Craig Reinhart
The Effects of Pesticides on Genetic Expression in Caenorhabditis elegans
Vanessa Avalos
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Grady Hanrahan
Building a Cherenkov Radiation Particle Detector and Counter
1) To build and successfully test a Cherenkov radiation particle detector capable of discerning between muons and particles
2) To expand the scope of our detector to count incoming particles
In order to detect Cherenkov radiation, we used a silicon photomultiplier (SiPM) as the detector, and a sodium iodine crystal as our medium/target. Because our SiPM outputs a very weak signal, we used a buffer to prevent signal loss, and amplified the resultant signal using an operational amplifier (Op Amp). Finally, in order to count the number of incoming particles, we converted the signal from analog to digital using a comparator with hysteresis (Schmidt Trigger). We counted the final digital signals using an 8-bit counter using eight D-type Flip-Flops. Our counter circuit attached to our detector was able to count muons, and particle radiation. Our detector, when attached to an oscilloscope, was sensitive enough to let you discern if the detected particle was a muon or particles. Unfortunately the Schmidt trigger was sending two digital signals instead of one, giving us double the amount of counts per particle.
Javier Berjon de la Parra, Johann Dias
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Sebastian Carron Montero
Text-to-Image Generation and Colorization with Stacked Attentional Generative Adversarial Networks
Tyler Berry, Mayra Plascencia
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Craig Reinhart
Effect of Serotonin and Mianserin on the Heart Rate of the Pond Snail Helisoma trivolvis in Satiated and Fasting States
Sara Beylik
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Kenneth Long
Optimizing Protein Solubility for Crystal Formation
Deana Bitar
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Katherine Hoffmann
A Cross Comparison of Olfactory and Stress Behaviors Between Two Species of Canines
Christian Bustillos
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Lorenzo Ramirez
The Role of Type II Secretion of Legionella pneumophila in Growth at 25, 35, and 42 Degree Celsius
Kayla Cross
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Paloma Vargas
The Role of Type 2 Secretion System’s Protein LegP on Legionella pneumophilia
Patricia Del Rio
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Paloma Vargas
Patterns of Urine Washing Among Adult and Juvenile Squirrel Monkeys in Amazonian Brazil
Nathan Delacth
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Anita Stone
Java-based Chatroom Application Using Encryption for Sending Messages
Cole Elpel
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Craig Reinhart
Using Natural Language Processing to Communicate Ideas More Clearly in Writing
Giovanni Flores
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Craig Reinhart
Metagenomic Analysis of the Thomas Fire Burn Site
Giselle Gallardo
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Theresa Rogers
Tournament Bracket Application
Yahn Gawrit
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Craig Reinhart
A Genetic Screen for Cryptic Epigenetic Variation in Natural Populations of Drosophila melanogaster.
Dagem Getahun, Lauren McAllister, Makena Wolfram
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. David Marcey
A Biomechanical Analysis of Long Snapping With and Without a Block
Jonathan Goldstein
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Travis Peterson
Determining the Kinetics of Desferroxiamine Dusing Isothermal Titration Calorimetry
Eliana Goncuian
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Katherine Hoffmann
Subtrate and pH Structural Studies of FslA
Genova Hernandez, Deana Bitar
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Katherine Hoffmann
Taste Aversion & Effect of Epicatechin on Memory Formation in Lymnaea stagnalis.
Helen Hong
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Kenneth Long
Synthesis of Metal-organic Frameworks as Efficient Drug Delivery Systems
Gregory Hovhanessian
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Jesus Cordova Guerrero
Synthesis and purification of N-Hydroxy-N-(5-aminopentyl)succinamic acid (HSC)
Yoojin Jang
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Jason Kingsbury
The Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Anaerobic Metabolism in Mytilus galloprovincialis
Emily Johnson
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Kwasi Connor
Tiling 2-Deficient Rectangles with L-Pentominoes
Monica Kane
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Michael Gagliardo
Milk Derived Extracellular Vesicles (EVs) Effect on Human Immune Cell Response in Vitro
Charnpreet Kaur
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Charlotte Lawson
Development of a New Carboxylic Acid Protecting Group
Harleen Kaur
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Jesus Cordova Guerrero
High Granularity Calorimeter Detector
Hend Kordy
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Sebastian Carron Montero
Digital 3D Image Reconstruction via Sonar Rangefinding
Kevin Lee
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Craig Reinhart
Real-Time Object Detection via YOLO
Kevin Lee
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Craig Reinhart
Characterization of nahM and nahOM Protein Complex
Nodirkhon Mamatov
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Robert Richards
Kinematical Properties of the Cartwheel Galaxy to Infer Formation of Ring Galaxies
Kaualani Maneafaiga
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. John Deisz
Plastic Microfiber Ingestion by Mytilus Californianus in the Channel Islands Harbor, California
Chloe Mankin
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Andrea Huvard
Investigating the Antagonistic Effects of Microbial Isolates TER-MGF-1 and KB20
Julianna Martinez
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Theresa Rogers
A Genetic Screen for Cryptic Epigenetic Variation in Natural Populations of Drosophila melanogaster.
Lauren McAllister, Makena Wolfram, Dagem Getahun
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. David Marcey
Maximizing Solubility of FslA for Future Kinetic Work
Drew Miles
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Katherine Hoffmann
MyChess: A Chess Companion App
Nathan Mittenzwey
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Craig Reinhart
Structure Determination of NRPS Independent Siderophore Synthetase DesD Complex Using X-ray Crystallography
Yasi Mojab
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Katherine Hoffmann
Identification of factors which bind long non-coding RNA to chromatin in Drosophila
Javier Montelongo, Javier Montelongo, Jennifer Aleman
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Maya Capelson
Lumin: Android Lightmeter for Photography
Andrew Nelson
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Craig Reinhart
THE Effect of Fire on Soil Microbial Community Diversity
Kyrra Nielson
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Theresa Rogers
The Effects of Ocean Microplastic on the Digestive System of the Mussel Mytilus galloprovincialis
Cj O'Brien
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Kwasi Connor
Compact Muon Solenoid upgrade for the High Granularity Calorimeter and Particle Identification
William Parquette, Hend Kordy and Johann Dias
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Sebastian Carron Montero
Compact Muon Solenoid upgrade for the High Granularity Calorimeter and Particle Identification
William Parquette, Hend Kordy and Johann Dias
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Carron Montero
Thermal Response in the mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis, under Anaerobic Conditions
Melissa Pepper
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Kwasi Connor
Applications of Error-Correcting Codes
Luis Perez
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. John Villalpando
The negative effects of traumatic brain injuries on cerebral blood flow and cerebrovascular flow attributes
Jarrett Rodriguez
Faculty Mentor:
Louise A Kelly
Sentence Generator Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo
Armando Santana
Faculty Mentor:
Craig Reinhart
Cryptography using RSA and Elliptic Curve Cryptography
Armando Santana
Faculty Mentor:
Karrolyne Fogel
Synthesis of Spirocyclic Compounds via Claisen Rearrangement
Jessica Shin
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Jesus Cordova Guerrero
The Three-Dimensional Effects on the Superconducting State of Strontium Ruthenate
Jamie Shultz
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. John Deisz
Exploring Maternal Care, Learning Mechanisms, and Social Behavior in Ring-tailed Lemurs.
The purpose of this research is to compare humans and lemurs in three aspects: maternal care, social behavior, and learning mechanisms. This study focuses on three Ring-tailed lemurs, a mother/daughter pair and a male, at America’s Teaching Zoo at Moorpark College. For maternal care, we explored the behavioral interactions between the mother/daughter pair and time spent together during observation. We explored the introduction of a new male lemur to the mother/daughter pair’s enclosure. Finally, we investigated learning mechanisms involved with Positive Reinforcement Training with lemurs. Ring-tailed Lemurs are the most common animal in zoos, so it is important to understand their social behavior and learning mechanisms to minimize issues with animal interactions, and increase their well being. For the male lemur’s tunnel data, there was no correlation between time he spent in the tunnel and how far he traveled. The behaviors that were significantly associated with success during training was holding the fence, looking around environment, and climbing down. When comparing humans to lemurs, both process information in a serial order, babies have a great attachment to their mother, but differed in how they interacted with new primates. We share more than 90% of our DNA with lemurs, and this study emphasizes similarities in maternal care and learning mechanisms; some scientists go as far as saying that maternal care and hierarchy in primates are the precursor to human morality. For future directions, it is crucial to explore introduction processes between lemurs at zoos to minimize conflict.
Lorena Silva
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Lorenzo Ramirez
Cloning and Expression of Entamoeba histolytica eIF5A in Escherichia coli
Kayla Sircy
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Paloma Vargas
Base Catalyzed Synthesis of Functionalized Indoles
The goal of this research is to determine an efficient synthesis of indoles in two steps using commercially available starting materials via Suzuki coupling followed by a base-catalyzed Michael Addition-oxidation reaction. This process will represent an effective method for the synthesis of indoles and potentially reduce the cost of production for medications containing this functional group. The optimal base, catalyst, and solvent combination for the reaction between 2-nitrophenylboronic acid and 2-bromo-2-cyclohexanone was determined and afforded 15% yield of nitro-2-substituted α, β -unsaturated cyclohexenone. This compound was reduced via hydrogenation using palladium on carbon to yield an amino-2-substituted α, β -unsaturated cyclohexenone which then cyclized in situ to give a tetrahydrocarbazole derivative. The identity of this indole derivative was characterized by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry which confirmed that the product had a molecular weight of 171 grams/mol.
Alexandra Stewart
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Jesus Cordova Guerrero
Multi-Core Joins
Daniel Suarez
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Graham Matthews
Metabolic Pathway Elucidation of Stable Oxidative Phenolic Compounds
This study tested the link between chlorinated phenolic compounds as well as the formation and electrophoretic separation of stable metabolites found in urine. Establishing direct pathways and developing sensitive/selective analytical tools to measure and characterize xenobiotics provides a defined link between potential hazards and suspected health effects. Methodologically, sterically encumbered carbonyl groups were examined, and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was used to confirm the presence and stability of oxidative metabolites of model chlorinated phenols. Then, baseline resolved separation of the chlorinated phenols and their oxidative metabolites were demonstrated through capillary electrophoresis (CE) under the following conditions: 75 mM sodium tetraborate buffer (pH = 8.5) with 5 % methanol and 50 mM SDS, +10.0 kV running voltage, injection time = 5.0 s, effective capillary length = 55 cm, and run temperature = 20 °C. Although the compounds were not fully characterized, CE allowed for a secondary method of peak and baseline confirmation. These results provide key metabolic inferences from chlorinated phenols as well as the improvements in the ability to separate and detect changes in urinary metabolites in response to exposure to phenolic compounds. Further studies will be concentrated on human sampling, likely both blood and urine, to allow for near in-situ, real-time, monitoring of chlorinated phenols for expanded toxicological studies. Finally, we will provide guidance for the application of metaheuristic computational tools to aid in future studies involving parallel chemical separation and screening. This approach will prove valuable for future investigators involved in studying complex biological samples.
Leslie Tran
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Grady Hanrahan
Climate Change Effects of Temperature and pH on Coral Bleaching as modeled in Aiptasia Pallida
Hannah Travers
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Andrea Huvard
The Prevalence and Succession of the Pacific Oysters in Oxnard, California
Austin Truong, Amy Elise Wilkerson
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Andrea Huvard
Parking Space Finder
Anahi Villanueva
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Craig Reinhart
Prophylactic Mastectomy at Ventura County Medical Center
Andrew White
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. Shawn Steen
A Genetic Screen for Cryptic Epigenetic Variation in Natural Populations of Drosophila melanogaster.
Makena Wolfrom, Lauren McAllister, Makena Wolfrom Dagem Getahun
Faculty Mentor:
Dr. David Marcey