University Policies

University policies play a pivotal role in creating a supportive and nurturing environment for students. These policies are implemented to provide a framework that safeguards student rights, fosters inclusivity, and promotes personal growth, contributing to a vibrant campus community where everyone can thrive.

Course Evaluations Statement

All course evaluations are conducted online. Your feedback is important to us. You will receive an email message reminding you when the Course Evaluation website is open for your feedback.

Disability Statement

California Lutheran University is committed to providing reasonable aids and services to students with disabilities in compliance with Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 and ADA of 1990 with its Amendments. Students can request needed accommodations for this course, or other settings on campus, by registering with Disability Support Services (DSS). Accommodations are not retro-active, and students are encouraged to contact DSS and their instructors about their disability-related needs at the beginning of the semester/term or as quickly as possible. DSS is located in the Academic Services building, and can be contacted at 805-493-3464 or 

Statement on Academic Honesty

The educational programs of California Lutheran University are designed and dedicated to achieve academic excellence, honesty and integrity at every level of student life. Part of Cal Lutheran’s dedication to academic excellence is our commitment to academic honesty. Students, faculty, staff and administration share the responsibility for maintaining high levels of scholarship on campus. Any behavior or act which might be defined as “deceitful” or “dishonest” will meet with appropriate disciplinary sanctions, including dismissal from the University, suspension, grade F in a course or various forms of academic probation. Policies and procedures regarding academic honesty are contained in the faculty and student handbooks.

Plagiarism, cheating, unethical computer use and facilitation of academic dishonesty are examples of behavior which will result in disciplinary sanctions. Plagiarism includes, but is not limited to:

  • Word for word copying without using quotation marks or presenting the work as yours
  • Using the ideas or work of others without acknowledgement
  • Not citing quoted material; students must cite sources for any information that is not
    either the result of original research or common knowledge

Standards of Student Conduct Statements:

University Harassment Policy

Be civil to each other, both on- and offline. For information on the University’s student harassment policy and rights, see section 16 of the Student Life Handbook.

Sexual Misconduct

California Lutheran University does not tolerate any degree of sexual misconduct on or off- campus. We encourage you to report if you know of, or have been the victim of, sexual harassment, misconduct, and/or assault. If you report this to a faculty member, she or he must notify Cal Lutheran’s Title IX Coordinator about the basic facts of the incident. More information about your options for reporting can be found by visiting the Title IX website. If you have further questions or would like to report an incident, you may call the Title IX Office at 805-493-3630 or send an email to 

Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)

Visit Registrar’s website for more information about FERPA.

Commitment to DEIJB at Cal Lutheran

Visit our Diveristy, Equity, Inclusion & Justice (DEIJB) website for more information about DEIJB.

Veterans Resources

If you are a veteran, service member, or a related family member please refer to our Veterans Resources website for important information.

Please contact or 805-493-3648, for information regarding GI Bill benefits and veteran programming.

Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS)

The mission of Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) is to promote effective coping in order to find self-compassion, insight, and purpose. This is accomplished by empowering connectedness, cultivating resilience, and honoring the struggle. 

Help Desk

Students may contact the Help Desk about telephone, network, wireless network, software questions password problems, hardware problems, and general consultation (i.e. you cannot log into your MyCLU portal, or you are having problems with Blackboard). Please email specific details about your problems to or see Information Technology Services for more information.

Virtual Background Policy

To promote an active and engaged learning environment, leave your cameras on during online classes, when possible. The background image individuals project into our online classroom— whether the image is a real background or a virtual one—can be (intentionally or unintentionally) distracting, disruptive, or even disturbing to others in our class. Please choose a background image carefully and be aware that anyone moving into view of your camera could be seen by our classroom community, even if you are using a virtual background. Do not use animated virtual backgrounds that change or move.
