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Cal Lutheran News

Title Winners Take White House Tour

Student-athletes and coaches from Cal Lutheran witnessed history while visiting Washington, D.C, with other NCAA champions.

Recent News

Jazzy Colbert in front of her jewelry display

Being Jazzy

After completing a unique interdisciplinary degree, Jazzy Colbert is ready to launch into a creative career aimed at helping those living with OCD — starting with her new book.

Cal Lutheran in the Media

Stories From CLU Magazine

Diversity and Inclusion

Pursuing Our Purpose Together

Cameron Fetter in hiking gear standing in front of a snow capped mountain in Alaska (Katmai National Park)

TikTok-ing his way to opportunity

Geosciences major Cameron Fetter is finding opportunities beyond the classroom through his successful, science-based TikTok channel.

Cal Lutheran receives $1.2M federal grant

The five-year grant will support 60 graduate-level students in becoming credentialed teachers of high-need deaf and hard-of-hearing students in public schools.

Howie Wennes

Treasured memories

The Cal Lutheran community lost one of its most treasured members when the Rev. Dr. Howard Wennes died on July 12, 2022.

Rev. Scott Adams and Bishop Brenda Bos

Seeing one another

“Rev. Scott,” as he is known, is the university’s first Black pastor and the first non-Lutheran to hold the post.
