Class of 1977 Reunion
Dear Cal Lutheran Class of ’77,
Have you noticed that we walked across the stage in the stadium forty years ago? Wasn’t it kind of hot that day?
Mary and I are organizing a fortieth anniversary event during this year’s Homecoming Weekend. In the midst of the regular events happening over October 13 – 15, we will hold our reunion on Saturday, October 14, 9:30 a.m. to noon in All Nations Plaza, located in the shadow of the business office (old A. Levy Bank). Be in Kingsmen Park at 9:00 a.m. and you can have Pancakes in the Park ($7) and then make your way up the slope to join the reunion. A little later, you can partake in a campus tour at 12:00pm, offered exclusively to reunion classes - more details on that as the date approaches.
We’ll be taking time to hear from one another what impact that last 40 years has had on us. How have we changed in four decades, where have we been, what have we done?
There are about 140 of us on the email list, with others that have lapsed addresses. If you know where any of these folks are, please respond right away so we get them an invitation:
Sara Lineberger
David Stanley
William Ashby
Jeffrey Ross
Richard Gomez
Janet Lund Watness
Wendy Hill Schultz
Dianne Chamness Chaffey
Gayle Richardeson
Patricia Perreault
Joel Carty
Judith Edwards Cunningham
A. Gerry Remster
Jane Jacob
Gloria Asper Gulsrud
Andrew Brines
Emily Brown Rudd
Charles Bachman
Eugene Van Salza Brown
Martha Hall
William Rodgers
Debbie Bolleson Grant
Michael McCavic
David Thompson
Fred Westerhold
Gary McGill
Mari Ellen Watson
Marsha Stanfield
Gary Larson
Hugo Klee
Carol Capper Bridges
Brad Cochrane
Thomas Ananias
Kathleen Tajiri
During our time together, we will also honor those who have passed away:
Aurora Diaz Lopez
Gary Lowenberg
Franklin Smith
Edelmira Delgadillo
Mark Spencer
Beth Nochta White
Jason Dawson
Kaaren Christianson Gorman
Kim Coddington
Timothy Humphrey
Some of you live far away from Thousand Oaks, in Minnesota, Michigan, Texas (God bless you), New York, Tokyo, Washington, Colorado. Some are much closer, even within the city limits. All of you are welcome.
With retirement age looming soon, and the ailments of older age upon us, we will never be fitter, more lucid or have more enthusiasm than right now. So if you’re on the fence about whether or not to come, take a leap!
The eventful schedule of Homecoming Weekend is here. You can also find more information about the Class of 1977 reunion on our reunion page. Check it out, let us know you're coming here and meet the rest of us on Saturday, October 14, at 9:30 a.m!
Brian and Mary Stein-Webber, Class of ’77