Sunyoung  Park

Sunyoung Park, PhD

Associate Professor, Master of Science in Clinical Psychology
(805) 493-3780
Bell House 116 (3263 Pioneer Street #4250)

Office Hours: By Appointment (via email)


PhD   University of Texas at Austin     Educational Psychology, Quantitative Methods

M.A.  University of Texas at Austin      Educational Psychology, Program Evaluation

M.A.  Korea University                       Education, Measurement and Statistics

B.A.   Sogang University                    Psychology / Korean Literature (Double Major)


Applied Quantitative Methods

  - Meta-analysis

  - Hierarchical Linear Model (HLM)

  - Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) 

  - Multiple-membership Random Effects Model (MMREM) 

  - Class-classified Random Effects Model (CCREM)

  - Multivariate Analysis

  - Longitudinal Data Analysis

  - Bayesian Estimation 

  - Item Response Theory (IRT)

  - Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) Estimation 

  - Simulation Study

Statistical Packages

  - R, SAS, STATA, MLwiN, Mplus, HLM, Amos, SPSS





42. Beak, S., Park, S., Yi, M. (2023). The Personality Assessment Inventory (PAI) Profiles of Crime Victims, The Korean Journal of Forensic Psychology, 14, 1-29.

41. Sang, Y. M., Park, S., Kim, J. W., Park, S. (2023). News Podcast Use, Press Freedom, and Political Participation: A Cross-National Study of 38 Countries. International Journal of Communication. 17, 1402-1424.

40. Kokou-Kpolou, C. K., Park, S., Bet, Q., Iorfa, S. K., Chinweuba, D. C., & Chukwuorji, J. C. (in press, 2022). Towards a more comprehensive understanding of depressive symptoms among young adults using Gaussian graphical and directed acyclic graph models. Current Psychology.

39. Kokou-Kpolou, K. C., Lenferink, L.I.M.M, Brunnet, A. E., Park, S., Megalakaki, O., Boelen, P. A., & Cénat, J. M. (2022). The ICD-11 and DSM-5-TR prolonged grief criteria: Validation of the Traumatic Grief Inventory-Self Report Plus using exploratory factor analysis and item response theory. Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapy, 29(6), 1791-1990.

38. Kim, J. W., & Park, S. (2022). Exploring the Effects of the First-Hand Experience of Deliberative Practice: The Case of the Shin-Gori Nuclear Reactor No. 5 & 6 in South Korea. Asian Journal of Communication32(6), 510-528.

37. Park, S., Beretvas, S. N., Bhat, B. H., & Dedrick, D. (2022). Quantitative Meta-Analyses: A Review of Current Practice 2018-2020.

36. Kokou-Kpolou, K. C., Park, S., Iorfa, K. S., Hajizadeh, S., & Cénat, J. M. (2022). Prolonged grief and posttraumatic growth among middle-aged and older widowed persons: A latent class analysis and testing for the role of social support. Death Studies, 46(6), 1401-1413.

35. You, H. S., Park, S., Marshall, J., & Delgado, C. (2022). Interdisciplinary science assessment of carbon cycling: Construct validity evidence based on internal structure. Research in Science Education, 52, 473-492.

34. Kokou-Kpolou, K. C., Iorfa, K. S., Park, S., Chinweuba, D. C., Cénat, J. M., & Chukwuorji, J. (2022). The center for epidemiologic studies depression scale–revised (CESD-20-R): Factorial validity and gender invariance among Nigerian young adults. Current Psychology, 41, 7888-7897.

33. Park, S., & Beretvas, S. N. (2021). Comparing statistical significance versus DIC for selecting best-fitting multivariate multiple-membership random-effects model. The Journal of Experimental Education, 89(4), 643-669.

32. Kokou-Kpolou, K. C, Jumageldinov, A., Park, S., Nieuviarts, N., Noorishad, P. G., & Cénat. (2021). Prevalence of depressive symptoms and associated psychosocial risk factors among French university students: The moderating and mediating effects of resilience. Psychiatric Quarterly, 92, 443-457.

31. Megalakaki, O., Kokou-Kpolou, C. K., Vaudé, J., Park, S., Iorfa, S. K., Cénat, J. M., & Derivois, D. (2021). Does peritraumatic distress predict PTSD, depression and anxiety symptoms during and after COVID-19 lockdown in France? A prospective longitudinal study. Journal of psychiatric research, 137, 81-88.

30. Kokou-Kpolou, K. C., Park, S., Lenferink, L. I., Iorfa, S. K., Fernández-Alcántara, M., Derivois, D., & Cénat, J. M. (2021). Prolonged grief and depression: A latent class analysis. Psychiatry research, 299, 1-8.

29. You, H. S., Park, S., & Delgado, C. (2021). A closer look at US schools: What characteristics are associated with scientific literacy? A multivariate multilevel analysis using PISA 2015. Science Education, 105, 406-437.

28. Kokou-Kpolou, K. C., & Park, S. (2020). Item response theory analysis of psychometric properties of subjective vitality scale among French university students. TPM - Testing, Psychometrics, Methodology in Applied Psychology, 27(4), 545-554.

27. Park, S., & Beretvas, S. N. (2020). The multivariate multiple-membership random effects model: An introduction and evaluation. Behavior Research Methods, 52, 1254-1270.

26. Smith, T., Sheridan, S., Kim, E., Park. S., & Beretvas, S. N. (2020). The effects of family-school partnership interventions on academic and social-emotional functioning: A meta-analysis exploring what works for whom. Educational Psychology Review, 32, 511-544.

25. Kokou-Kpolou, K. C., Cénat, J. M., Noorishad, P.G., Park, S., & Bacqué, M.F. (2020). A comparison of prevalence and risk factor profiles of prolonged grief disorder among French and Togolese bereaved adults. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 55, 757-764.

24. Park, S., Guz, S., Zhang, A., Beretvas, N., Franklin, C. & Kim, J. (2020). Characteristics of effective school-based, teacher-delivered mental health services for children. Research on Social Work Practice30(4), 422-432.

23. Kokou-Kpolou, K. C., Jumageldinov, A., Park, S., Nieuviarts, N., Khales, C., & Cénat, J. (2020). Differential associations of coping strategies with grief and depression in young adults: The role of cause of death and relationship to the deceased. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 39(3), 172-194.

22. Kim, J. W., Park, S., & Sang, Y. M. (2020). A longitudinal study on the effects of motivational mobile application uses on online news engagement. International Journal of Mobile Communications, 18(3), 327-342.

21. Park, S., & Jo, Y. J. (2019). The effect of parents’ empathic emotional reactions on covert narcissism: With a focus on the moderating effects of reasonable explanation and the meditative effects of soothing ability. Studies on Korean Youth, 30(4), 5-31.

20. Park, J., Park, S., Choe, H., & Schallert, D. L. (2019). When groups experience conflict: intersection among undergraduates’ individual and group motivational goals, project commitment, and emotions. Educational Psychology, 39(9), 1156-1173.

19. Kim, J. W., & Park, S. (2019). The effect of information exposure via mediating variables on respect for decision: Shin-Gori nuclear reactor no. 5 & 6 public deliberation. Journal of the Korean Data Analysis Society, 21(5), 2419-2429.

18. Hai, A. H., Franklin, C., Park, S., Dinitto, D., & Aurelio, N. (2019). The efficacy of spiritual/religious interventions for substance use problems: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Drug and Alcohol Dependence, 202, 134-148.

17. Park, S., & Beretvas, S. N. (2019). Using total sample size weights in meta-analysis of log-odds ratios. The Journal of Experimental Education, 87(3), 400-414.

16. Towner, T., Sang, Y., & Park, S. (2019). Uses and Gratifications of the Screenshot in Human Communication: An Exploratory Study. Electronic Journal of Communication, 29, 1-20.

15. Stevens, E. A., Park, S., & Vaughn, S. (2019). A review of summarizing and main idea interventions for struggling readers in grades 3 through 12: 1978–2016. Remedial and Special Education, 40(3), 131-149.

14. Sheridan, S., Smith, T., Kim, E., Beretvas, S. N., & Park. S. (2019). A meta-analysis of family-school interventions and children’s social-emotional functioning: moderators and components of efficacy. Review of Educational Research, 89(2), 296-332.

13. Kim, J. W., & Park, S. (2019). How perceptions of incivility and social endorsement in online comments (dis) encourage engagements. Behaviour & Information Technology, 38(3), 217-229.

12. Park, S., & Beretvas, S. N. (2019). Synthesizing effects for multiple outcomes per study using robust variance estimation versus the three-level model. Behavior Research Methods, 51(1), 152-171.

11. Baek S. E., Ahn, M., Park, S., Kim, S., Chi, S., & Ahn, C. M. (2018). The Korean behavior assessment system for children-2, teacher rating scales-preschool form (K․BASC-2, TRS-P): A validation study via item response theory. The Korean Society for Early Childhood Teacher Education, 22(6), 147-168.

10. Zhang, A., Park, S., Sullivan, J. E., & Jing, S. (2018). The effectiveness of problem-solving therapy for primary care patients' depressive and/or anxiety disorders: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Journal of the American Board of Family Medicine31(1), 139-150.

9. Park, S., & Beretvas, S. N. (2018). Estimation of the multivariate multiple-membership random effects model with and without missing data. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 53(1), 145-146.

8. Zhang, A., Franklin, C., Currin-McCulloch, Park, S., & Kim, J. (2018). The effectiveness of strength-based, solution-focused brief therapy in medical settings: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Journal of Behavioral Medicine, 41(2), 139-151.

7. Baek S. E., Park, S., & Ahn, C. M. (2017). The behavior assessment system for children-2, parent rating scales - adolescent form (K BASC-2, PRS-A): A construct validation study. Journal of Korean Educational Psychology, 31(4), 639-661.

6. Jo, Y. J., & Park, S. (2017). The effect of parents’ empathic emotional reaction and excessive emotional reaction on covert narcissism: Focused on mediative effect of soothing ability. Korean Journal of Korea Youth Research, 24, 83-105.

5. Franklin, C., Kim, J., Beretvas, S.N., Zhang, A., Guz, S., Park, S., Montgomery, K., Chung, S., & Maynard, B. R. (2017). The effectiveness of teacher delivered psychosocial interventions delivered by teachers in schools: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 20, 333-350.

4. Park, S., & Jo, Y. J. (2017). Item analysis and modification of a parental empathy inventory perceived by adolescent children scale under multiple item response theory. Korean Journal of Korea Youth Research, 24, 1-21.

3. Park, S., & Hong, S. H. (2016). The empirical review of meta-analysis published in Korea, Asia Pacific Education Review, 17(2), 313-324.

2. Park S., & Hong, S. H. (2013). Meta-analysis of the relationship between children's achievement motivation and parents’ autonomous attitude, Korean Journal of Korea Youth Research, 20, 67-89.


1. Park, S., & Jo, Y. J. (2011). Mediating effects of parental behaviors-neglect, abusive treatment, excessive expectation- in the relation between parental empathy and adolescents' covert narcissism, Korean Journal of Korea Youth Research, 18, 35-63.
