Lorena  Muñoz

Lorena Muñoz

Associate Dean of Equity, Inclusion and Belonging—Academic Affairs and Associate Professor and Director of Ethnic and Race Studies and Global Studies


A.A.    1994. Political Science, San Diego City College. San Diego, CA.   

B.A.    1997. Political Science, University of St. Thomas, St. Paul, MN. 

M.A.    2000. Geography and Urban Studies, Temple University, Philadelphia PA.

Masters Thesis: Latinas and HIV Prevention: Evaluation of a Gender Based HIV Integrative Education Model. Committee: Melissa Gilbert (chair), Michelle Masucci and Rickie Sanders. 

PhD     2008.  Geography, University of Southern California

Dissertation: Tamales…Elotes…Champurrado: The Production of Latino Vending Street-Scapes in Los Angeles. Committee: Laura Pulido (chair), Greg Hise and Pierrette Hondagneu-Sotelo.


Refereed Journal Articles

Munoz, Lorena (2019) “Transnational Motherhood and Economic Failure Among Immigrant Domestic Workers in South Africa and the United States.” Feminist Formations Journal. 31(2):26-46

Munoz, Lorena (2019) “Gentrification and the (In)visible history of Latinx immigrant mobile food vending in Los Angeles.” Journal of Urban Cultural Studies. 4(6):95-111 

Munoz, Lorena (2018) “Recovering Public Space and Race: Afro-Colombian Street Vendors in

Bogota, Colombia.” Environment and Planning C: Politics and Space. 36(4):573-588

Munoz, Lorena (2018) “Tianguis as a Process of Autogestion: The Production of Organic

Social-economic Spaces in Cancún, Mexico.” Space and Culture. 21(3):306-321

Munoz, Lorena (2017) “Sidewalks of Emotional Labor: Nostalgia and Immigrant Latina/o Food

Vendors in Los Angeles”. Food and Foodways Journal. 25(4):283-299

Munoz, Lorena (2016) “Bar Tasco: Latina Immigrant Vendor's Mestiza Consciousness.”

Chicana/Latina Studies: The Journal of Mujeres Activas en Letras y Cambio Social. 16(1)

Munoz, Lorena (2016) "Agency, Choice and Restrictions in Producing Latina/o Street Vending

Landscapes in Los Angeles." AREA: Royal Geographical Society. 48(3):339-345

Munoz, Lorena (2015) “Entangled Sidewalks: Queer Latina Street Vendors in Los Angeles”

The Professional Geographer. 68(2): 302-308

Munoz, Lorena (2012) “Latina Immigrants Street Vendors:

Photo-documenting Sidewalks from Back ‘Home’.” SRO Journal 17 (2) 21 

Refereed Open Site Articles

Munoz, L and Megan Ybarra (2019). Introduction to Latinx Geographies. Society and Space open site. http://societyandspace.org/2019/01/23/introduction-latinx-geographies/ published January 23, 2019

Munoz, L and Megan Ybarra editors. Special collection on Latinx Geographies. Society and Space open site. http://societyandspace.org/2019/01/23/introduction-latinx-geographies/ published January 23, 2019

Refereed Book Chapters

Munoz, Lorena (2021) “Queering el Barrio” in Hernandez, Ellie, Eddy Alvarez, Magda Garcia, editors. Transmovimientos. University of Nebraska Press.

Munoz, Lorena (2015) “Selling Memory and Nostalgia in the Barrio: Mexican and Central

American Women (Re)Create Street Vending Spaces in Los Angeles” in Street Vending in the

Neoliberal City: A Global Perspective on the Practices and Policies of a Marginalized Economy

(eds) Kristina Graaff and Noa Ha. Berghahn Books, New York and Oxford: 101-117 

Munoz, Lorena (2013) “From Street-Childcare to Drive-Thrus: Latina’s Reconfigure Street

Vending Practices in Los Angeles” in Immigrant Women Workers in the Neoliberal Age (eds)

Nilda Florez-Gonzales et.al. Chicago, University of Illinois Press. 

Munoz, Lorena (2010) “Brown, Queer and Gendered: Queering the Latina/o 'Street-Scapes' in

Los Angeles” in Queer Methods and Methodologies Edited by Kath Browne and Catherine J.

Nash. Ashgate Press, UK.

Other Publications (non-peer reviewed) 

Munoz, Lorena (2012). “Review of Tongson K. Relocations:

Suburban Queer Imaginaries”. Society and Space: Environment and Society.

Patton, Daniel; Munoz, Lorena (2008) Examining Schools that Narrowed the Achievement Gap in the Los Angeles Unified School District. LAUSD Research and Planning. Publication #2008-13. 

Munoz, Lorena (2006) ‘Street Vending’ in Latinas in the United States A Historical Encyclopedia. Edited by Vicky L. Ruiz and Virginia Sanchez Korrol. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, p. 512.

Works in Progress

Latinx Worldmakings, Informal Economies and Messy Urban Futures. Book manuscript to be submitted to the University of Texas Press.

Munoz, L. Queer Worldmakings: Prison Geographies of Love, Food and Familia. Submitted to Cultural Geography journal.  
