Events & Speakers

Deconstructing Disability: A Multigenerational Family Perspective
DEIJB Lecture Series

Online via Zoom

Tammy Bachrach, PhD, of Azusa Pacific University, and Mina Chun, PhD, will discuss their research study focused on the experiences of a family following the death of a family member born with Down syndrome in 1961.

“Weaving Stories for Indigenous Presence and Futures”
Dean's Speaker Series

Navajo scholar Amanda Tachine, PhD, will share findings from her book, Native Presence and Sovereignty in College: Indigenous Weapons to Defeat Systemic Monsters. This lecture has been rescheduled from November 2024.

Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions
DEIJB Lecture Series

Swenson 101/102

Kristine Jan Cruz Espinoza, PhD, will present "Deep Roots, Strong Branches: The Foundation and Future of Asian American and Native American Pacific Islander-Serving Institutions."

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