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April 10, 2024

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John Crenshaw

Submitted by John Crenshaw

Featured photo for John Crenshaw

It has been my pleasure to work with the students in the Bachelor’s Degree for Professional Program and its forerunner, ADEP, at California Lutheran University (CLU) as an adjunct faculty member since 2006. I teach courses in the Organizational Leadership major, which includes courses in leadership, organizational behavior, human resource management, and organization design.

Students in the Professionals program have been in the working world for some time and have returned to school to gain knowledge and skills to enhance their careers. Given their work experience, they bring rich perspectives related to our topics to discuss in our classes which contributes to everyone’s learning. Most are juggling multiple responsibilities, including families, work, and school, yet they come to class each week and enthusiastically participate in various learning activities in order to achieve their goals.

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