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April 10, 2024

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My Fifty and Better Experience

Submitted by Diana Troik

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– FAB was born during the worst days of the Pandemic and provided a beacon of hope that we could still enjoy intellectual stimulation and community even though we were physically isolated. – FAB provides classes that allow me to learn in areas such as art, architecture and science, where I don’t have expertise or professional experience. I have been amazed at Katherine Zoraster’s ability to “zoom” in on paintings and reveal incredible detail while linking the painter to the changes in society. Eleanor Schrader has also done this for architecture and furnishings and the wonderful JPL lectures have taken us into space! – I am incredibly appreciative of my fellow students. Their comments and questions add greatly to the class experience. – I have been privileged to serve on the FAB Advisory Committee and that has allowed me to help in the process of building and developing the program within the context of a flexible private university. It has been a pleasure to work with Dean Lisa Buono and Program Specialist Christina Tierney and my fellow committee members to review and recruit faculty, analyze how to best serve the needs of our students, and determine the financial needs to maintain the program on a sound footing. – My sister and brother in law who live near Chicago have also been taking FAB classes. I get to “see” them in class and have wonderful telephone conversations about class topics afterward.

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