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April 10, 2024

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Nayeli Caballero '22

Submitted by Nayeli Caballero

Featured photo for Nayeli Caballero

The program Student Support Services (SSS) has made an impact on my life. As a first-generation college student, I didn’t know what to expect from college. This program has provided me with academic advice, available resources, and guidance to help me stay on track to graduate in May 2022. For instance, SSS has academic meetings to go over your four-year plan, and it has given me the option to be a double major and have a minor. I didn’t know this was possible, but thanks to SSS I’m doing it! As a first-generation student, it is hard you could have obstacles like imposter syndrome. But SSS counselors are always there for you and are always there to support you in every decision you make. They make sure you don’t give up but rather shoot for the stars. The SSS counselors are like your personal cheerleaders, always there to cheer you on to do the impossible. SSS in itself is a support system to all of its students. SSS has also allowed me to make friends. When I first started college, I was quiet. But the SSS office environment is so welcoming, and it’s easy to make friends. Because of this, SSS helped me have a support system of friends to help each other out, and excel.

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