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April 10, 2024

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Inspired by student daily!

Submitted by Gerhard Apfelthaler

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As someone who grew up in Europe, I have always been intrigued by the strong bonds that students form with their alma mater in the United States. I only fully understood these bonds over the last 12 years as a faculty member, 8 of which I was privileged to spend as the dean of the School of Management. The strong focus on each and every students’ needs and aspirations, the mutual appreciation that faculty and students have for each other, the exciting sense of togetherness, the care that we have for each other, all make me proud to be part of the Cal Lutheran community. It is especially the students who inspire me every day – in the classroom, at events, in competitions, and in social settings. I consider myself lucky to be able to not only understand the bonds between students and their alma mater intellectually, but having experienced them from very personal and emotional perspectives.

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