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April 10, 2024

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Fifty and Better (FAB)

Submitted by Kathy and Carol Denny

Featured photo for Fifty and Better (FAB)

Carol (pictured on the left) lives in Virginia, outside of D.C. and heard about FAB through her sister, Kathy! Carol has enjoyed Dr. Parsons’s courses, and Cary Ginell’s lecture on Neil Diamond. Carol likes that FAB is online and easy to use. Learning is fun, she says, especially when there are no tests! A fun fact about Carol is that she is an animal lover, especially of dogs and horses.

Kathy (pictured on the right) lives in Montclair, New Jersey, which is about 12 miles from New York City. Kathy’s son and his family live in Thousand Oaks, and when there’s not a pandemic, she escapes the New Jersey winter and spends time in California. Kathy’s first two classes were with Katherine Zoraster and David Parsons, and both hold a special place in her heart. FAB started offering virtual courses when the pandemic lock-downs began, and it was a life changer for her. A fun fact about Kathy: she and her family lived in Japan during her high school years, and she had 12 in her graduating class. A few weeks ago, they met on Zoom to celebrate their 40th reunion!

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