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April 10, 2024

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Fifty and Better (FAB)

Submitted by Sue and Andy Dichter

Featured photo for Fifty and Better (FAB)

Andy and Sue live in the Chicago suburbs. They learned about CLU and the FAB program through Sue’s sister, Diana Troik, who lives in Camarillo and is on the FAB Advisory Committee. One advantage of the pandemic is that they can attend classes on Zoom. They signed up for their first classes last Spring and have enjoyed a wide range of courses including molecular biology, anthropology, art, music, and terrorism. They believe the FAB program offers a wonderful opportunity to delve into subjects that most people probably don’t have the luxury of studying in formal curriculums.

Andy and Sue met in the Catskill Mountains and have been married for 54 years. They moved from NYC to Chicago in 1968 and have been there since. Aside from CLU, they share a love of photography with a focus (pun intended!) on nature, macro and infrared. Andy is a ham radio operator and also enjoys a wide variety of music in his home-built audio room.

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