April 10, 2024
Kingsmen Shakespeare Company
Submitted by Sue Marrone
As one of the founding members of what was originally Kingsmen Shakespeare Festival, I am so glad to see it still alive and well. I have many memories of how much KSF has touched both me and the community. I remember standing on the stage once, before a performance and asking the audience to move their blankets closer so we could accommodate the crowd! I also remember hearing two teen-aged boys leaving after the show with one saying to the other “Shakespeare’s funny.”
The Shakespeare Educational Tour never ceased to amaze me. After a school performance of MSND, the students were asked what they thought. One little girl said, “They should have asked their mother.” (Now that is a thesis in itself! Both the dramatic texture, the conjecture of women in Shakespeare plays and most importantly, how well children – before being told he is hard to understand – can, at their level, follow the play.)
Long live Shakespeare and long live Kingsmen Shakespeare Company.