Arts, Lectures and Gatherings

Studies in the Declaration of Independence (Two Parts)

FABulous Spring Lecture Series

Studies in the Declaration of Independence (Two Parts)

As the founding document of this country, the Declaration of Independence holds a position in American history that is nearly unrivaled. However, how many people could explain the declaration? How many could quote it, beyond the first few lines regarding “Life, Liberty, & the pursuit of happiness”? But, more than just quoting the document, how many could explain what it meant? This series of lectures will delve into the text and will discuss, in the context of the late 1700s, what the document meant to its signers and what it means to American citizens today.

The course dates are:

  • April 9, 1 to 3 p.m.
  • April 16, 1 to 3 p.m.

Jason Hensley, PhD (Holocaust and Genocide Studies), DMin (Biblical Studies), teaches religious studies at a private school in Los Angeles. He is a fellow of the Michael LaPrade Holocaust Education Institute of the Anti-Defamation League, a higher-education ambassador for the Council on Foreign Relations, and the award-winning author of 12 books.

The Fifty and Better (FAB) program was designed for people ages 50 and older, seeking intellectual stimulation through university-level courses — without the pressure of grades — for the sake of learning and social engagement.


Register by 3 p.m. April 8

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