Arts, Lectures and Gatherings

MPPA Policy Talks Series

From Fields to Streams: Navigating Water Quality Challenges in Ventura County Agricultural Irrigated Lands

MPPA Policy Talks Series

This presentation with Maureen McGuire, CEO for the Farm Bureau of Ventura County and moderator Jamshid Damooei, PhD, professor of Economics and executive director for the Center for Economics of Social Issues at Cal Lutheran, will explore the 2005-2023 policy framework through the lens of a coalition based compliance model and the newly adopted (September 2023) Irrigated Lands Regulatory Program Waste Discharge Requirements. We will review the success of the past and the challenges and opportunities of the future for farmers and the environment. 

The event is free, registration is required.


Register by Oct. 31

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School of Management, Public Policy Program


Omairah Azizi
