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The Underlying Causes of Immigration from Mexico to the U.S.

Distinguished Speaker Series hosted by the Center for Economics of Social Issues

The Underlying Causes of Immigration from Mexico to the U.S.

The Center for Economics of Social Issues Distinguished Speaker Series presents the opportunity to learn about the underlying causes of immigration from Mexico to the U.S. This topic is aligned to one of the research topics conducted at the center. Fulfilling its mission, the CESI hosts prominent speakers who will provide an investigative look into the prevailing global economic structure that causes millions of people to lose any opportunity to enjoy a dignified quality of life in their own countries (i.e., Mexico).

We hope you will join us for this rare opportunity. Register today!

Key take-aways:

  • What are the underlying causes of immigration? An investigative look into the prevailing global economic structure that causes millions of people to lose any opportunity to enjoy a dignified quality of life in their own countries (Mexico)
  • What are the economic structures that trigger immigration? Looking into prevalence of modern slave workers’ wages and predatory trade agreements.
  • Who benefits from these systemic structures?
  • What can we do as responsible citizens, in practical terms, to effectively address the root causes of immigration?

About the speaker:

Álvaro de Regil Castilla is project initiator and executive director of the Jus Semper Global Alliance since 2003, a coalition that supports living wages worldwide as a core element of sustainability, democracy and business accountability. A developer of The Living Wages North and South Initiative (TLWNSI) in 1999, Castilla has been coordinator since 2001. His work is centered on developing the living wage concept, anchored on “equal pay for equal work of equal value," and, at a broader level, advancing a “people and planet” paradigm. As part of this transformative concept, he is also increasingly active in the areas of labor rights, business and human rights, no-growth / degrowth / steady-state economics, basic income and consumer rights. Castilla also is a founding member and facilitator of the International Living Wage Observatory at La Salle University, (Mexico City campus), a contributor to the transformative vision and praxis of the Global Transition Initiative of the Tellus Institute in Boston and consultant on the underlying causes of immigration with various community organizations in California.


4:30 p.m. – Networking and refreshments
5:00 p.m. – Dean’s Welcome
5:05 p.m. – Director, Center for Economics of Social Issues, Opening Statements
5:20 p.m. – Speaker Introduction
5:30 p.m. – Keynote Speaker
6:15 p.m. – Q&A
6:30 p.m. – Adjourn    


Register by Oct. 24

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School of Management Center for Economics of Social Issues


Jennifer Valladares
