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NATO in the 21st Century: Dinosaur or Champion?

FABulous Fall Lecture Series Part A

NATO in the 21st Century: Dinosaur or Champion?

Spearhead of Western democracies during the Cold War, NATO’s joint efforts reached an apex with the dissolution of both the Communist Warsaw Pact and Soviet Union in 1991. We’ll explore the post-World War II origins of the grand alliance and its expansion eastward over the last 25 years, including Finland and Sweden’s very recent accession to the Alliance after Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.  

From his childhood in a Lithuanian refugee family, Linas J. Kojelis, rose to positions in Washington D.C., including special assistant to the president for public alliance (OPL/Defense and Foreign Policy) at the White House and deputy assistant secretary of state, as well as service in the U.S. Senate, Pentagon and U.S. Naval Reserve (Lieutenant/Naval Intelligence). Later, he founded and headed the U.S.-Baltic Foundation.  His articles on Soviet affairs have been published in the Wall Street Journal and Los Angeles Times. He headed Kojelis & Company consulting in Vilnius, Lithuania, for five years. He received his BA in history with the highest departmental honors from UCLA, and a MPA in international relations from Princeton University. He lives with his wife in Simi Valley and his interests include cinema, travel, art and historic preservation.

The Fifty and Better (FAB) program was designed for people 50 years of age and older, seeking intellectual stimulation through university-level courses — without the pressure of grades — for the sake of learning and social engagement. 


Register by 3 p.m. Monday, Sept. 9

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Fifty and Better


Christina Tierney
