Wildflowers and Scenery of the Canadian Rockies
Barbara J. Collins, Ph.D.
California Lutheran University
Thousand Oaks, California, 91360


Below are links to photographs of wildflowers of the Canadian Rockies and nearby foothills, prairies, and the Waterton-Glacier area. The plants are indexed according to scientific, common, and family names. Also, included are some scenery photographs from the Canadian Rocky Mountain area. For the Canadian Rockies, the plants were organized and identified by Barbara J. Collins, and the photographs were taken by both Barbara and Lorence G. Collins. Some photos of birds and animals, taken by digital camera, are by Robert J. Bielesch. For the Foothills, Prairies, Waterton-Glacier, Alaska, Yukon, and Northwest Territory areas, the plants were photographed by Robert J. Bielesch, except that some of the plants in the Alaska area were photographed by Lorence and Barbara Collins. Peter Achuff assisted with the identification of flowers in the Waterton-Glacier area. A more detailed description of the plants illustrated in this website may be obtained from the books listed below.

Wildflowers from the Rockies

Index to Common names
Index to Scientific names
Index to Family names


Indian paintbrush

Related Websites

California Wildflowers
Garden Flowers
Holden Village
CLU Arboretum


You Lead a Mean Trail
You Lead a Mean Trail
The Twilight Years
The Twilight Years and Looking Back

Scenery from the Rockies

Butterflies and Moths


Opabin Plateau

Wildflowers from the Foothills

Index to Common names
Index to Scientific names
Index to Family names


Prairie rose

Wildflowers from the Prairies

Index to Common names
Index to Scientific names
Index to Family names


Low townsendia

Wildflowers from Waterton-Glacier Area

Index to Common names
Index to Scientific names
Index to Family names


Blue camas

Wildflowers from Alaska, Yukon, and Northwest Territory Areas

Index to Common names
Index to Scientific names
Index to Family names


Devil's club

Search for Wildflowers by Name

Additional Information

Plants in the Foothill section occur from Calgary west to the Rockies and east of Calgary in the Cypress Hills. Plants in the Prairie section occur east of Calgary in southern Alberta. Because many plants overlap the sections, we recommend using the search engine to see where images of plants can be found in more than one section.

Robert Bielesch has a large collection of photos that include a complete plant cycle from flowering to fruiting stages as well as leaf characteristics for many plants. If interested in a particular plant for such photos, please contact him at bikerrob@shaw.ca.


Antos, J., Coup�, R., Douglas, G., Evans, R., Goward, T., Ignace, M., Lloyd, D., Parish, R., Pojar, R., and Roberts, A., 1996, Plants of Southern Interior British Columbia and the Inland Northwest, Parish, R., Coup�, R., and Lloyd, D. (editors): Lone Pine Publishing, Vancouver, 464 p.

Craighead, J., Craighead, F. C., and Davis, R. J., 1998, A Field Guide to Rocky Mountain Wildflowers: Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston, Massachusetts, 361 p.

Kavanagh, J., Nature Alberta: Lone Pine Publishing, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada.

Kershaw, L., 2003, Alberta Wayside Wildflowers: Lone Pine Publishing, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 160 p.

Kershaw, L., Gould, J., Johnson, D., and Lancaster, J., 2001, Rare Vascular Plants of Alberta: University of Alberta Press, Alberta, Canada, 484 p.

Kershaw L., MacKinnon, A., and Pojar, J., 1998, Plants of the Rocky Mountains: Lone Pine Publishing, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 384 p.

Patton, B., 1982, Parkways of the Canadian Rockies, an Interpretive Guide to Banff, Jasper, Kootenay and Yoho Parks: Summerthought, Banff, Canada, 154 p.

Phillips, H. W., 2001, Northern Rocky Mountain Wildflowers: The Globe Pequot Press, Guilford, Connecticut, 284 p.

Royer, F., and Dickinson, R., 1999, Weeds of Canada and the Northern United States: Lone Pine Publishing, Edmonton, 434 p.

Scotter, G. W. and Flygare, H., 1986, Wildflowers of the Canadian Rockies: Hurtig Publishers, Edmonton, 170 p.

Shaw, R. J., and On, D., 2003, Plants of Waterton-Glacier National Parks and the Northern Rockies: Montain Press Publishing Company, Missoula, Montana, 160 p.

Shiemann, D. A., 2005, Wildflowers of Montana: Montana Press Publishing, Missoula, Montana, 305 p.

Spellenberg, R., 2001, National Audubon Society Field Guide to North American Wildflowers, Western Region: Alfred A. Knopf, New York, New York, 896 p.

Strickler, D., 1986, Prairie Wildflowers: The Flower Press, Columbia Falls, Montana, 80 p.

Vance, F. R., Jowsey, J. R., and McLean, J. S., 1999, Wildflowers Across the Prairies: Western Producer Prairie Books, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, 382 p.

Wilkinson, K., 1999, Wildflowers of Alberta, A Guide to Common Wildflowers and Other Herbaceous Plants: Lone Pine Publishing, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, 364 p.


Copyright � 2004-2013 by Barbara J. Collins, Lorence G. Collins, and Robert Bielesch. All rights reserved. The photographs contained in this website may not be commercially reproduced without the expressed consent of the authors.

This website was designed and authored by Kevin A. Collins in accordance with the wishes of Barbara and Lorence Collins. Feedback and or questions about the content of this website should be directed to bcollins@callutheran.edu or bikerrob@shaw.ca.

This website was last updated on May 25, 2013.