Arts, Lectures and Gatherings

Bob Privitt Art Exhibition

Perceptions: Contradictions and Associations

Bob Privitt Art Exhibition


Legendary Ventura County artist Bob Privitt is interested in the juxtaposition of disparate elements to create new meaning.

Intrigued by images and shapes which seem to have simple and obvious meanings but upon further examination prove to have multiple and even contradictory meanings, Privitt utilizes some of the conceptual methods of Dada and Surrealism while examining the psychological balance between that which is "reasonable" and that which is "irrational."

He does not consider himself a Dada or Surrealist artist, merely an observer of "the human condition" with its myths, dreams, future hopes, flights to freedom, and the balance between positive events and negative actions.

The artworks in this exhibition are the result of those observations.


Michael Pearce

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